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We've now made it easier for you to research and save your favorite keynotes speakers. Click on the + sign to add a speaker to your Speaker List and email your favorites to colleagues and friends.
Business Strategy Speaker: Executive Speakers Bureau can help you find the Business Keynote Speakers, Strategy Speakers, or Professional Guest Speaker to make your event a success. For more information about booking a Business Strategy Speaker, contact Us at 901.754.9404
#1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling co-author of The 4 Disciplines of Execution, the most well-read book on the topic of strategy execution in the world.
Voted one of the highest rated speakers at Global Leadership Summit and World Business Forum
Renowned Executive Strategy and Leadership Consultant
Former Talent Executive at Oracle
Author of three best-selling books: Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work, Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter and The Multiplier Effect: Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools
Executive Speakers Bureau consistently receives praises about our speed and efficiency. From the
beginning of your event planning, our extensive online speaker database and resourceful staff allow
us to quickly equip you with the best speaker for your event.
Need a last minute speaker? No worries. Our speed and efficiency help us give you ideas for speakers
in one hour or less.