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Meridith Powell, Speaker
1 Review(s)

Meridith Elliott Powell

    • Business Growth Expert
    • Internationally certified coach, consultant, speaker and author
    • Gold master certified in Strategic Planning by the Haines Centre
    • Certified Virtual Presenter
Full Bio
In Person-Fee 🛈

$20,000 - $30,000

Virtual Fee:

$10,000 - $15,000

Travels From

North Carolina

Meredith Elliot Powell - At FastSigns: Open More Doors, Close More Sales

Meredith Elliot Powell - At FastSigns: Open More Doors, Close More Sales

Virtual Events

Virtual Events

Meridith Powell - How to Lead in Changing Times

Meridith Powell - How to Lead in Changing Times

Meridith Powell - How to Get Employees to Engage

Meridith Powell - How to Get Employees to Engage

Meridith Powell - Increase Profits, Grow Your Business

Meridith Powell - Increase Profits, Grow Your Business

Meridith Elliott Powell Speaker Biography

Voted one of the Top 15 Business Growth Experts, Top 100 Sales Influencers by LinkedIn, and Top 41 Motivational Speakers. Meridith Elliott Powell is an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and business strategist. With a background in corporate leadership and sales, her career expands over several industries including banking, healthcare, and finance.

Meridith worked her way up from entry-level to earn her position in the C-Suite. She is a member of the Speaker Hall of Fame, Vice-Chair of the National Speakers Association, A Master Certified Business Growth Strategist, A Certified Executive Coach, and a Certified Speaking Professional. In addition, Meridith is an invitation-only author for LinkedIn with more than 600,000 learners taking her courses around the world.

With a passion for helping her clients learn the strategies they need to turn uncertainty to competitive advantage. Meridith has a cutting-edge message, rooted in real-life examples and real-world knowledge. She is the author of nine books, including “THRIVE: Turning Uncertainty to Competitive Advantage” named Top Sales Book, and Who Comes Next? Leadership Succession Planning Made Easy, written with Dr. Mary Kelly. Who Comes Next? solves one of the biggest challenges in business today – building your leadership bench. Both books have won the top honors for the Benjamin Franklin Independent Books Sellers Award. One of the highest honors for business books.

Meridith is regularly featured in publications such as Forbes, Fast Company, Inc., Investment News, and American Banker among others. High energy and highly interactive, she helps leaders and business owners learn the new rules of success today, and the strategies they need to Thrive in Uncertainty. You can find her inspiring message and strategies on both of her podcasts: Sales Logic – the “logical” approach to selling successfully in challenging times, and THRIVE – where Meridith interviews leaders, sales professionals, and business owners who have transformed their organizations to turn uncertainty to opportunity.

In her highly engaging keynote-speaking sessions, Meridith shares how you can think, feel and most importantly react to uncertainty, and the power of what you can do to start to control change rather than have change control you. Meridith shows her audiences how to attract more business, retain top talent, and leap into a position to win in a constantly shifting marketplace.

Meridith always delivers practical solutions to businesses' toughest challenges. No walking on coals, no breaking boards, just real-life strategies you can put into place first thing Monday morning.

When not coaching or keynoting, Meridith can be found on her favorite hiking trail, riding her mountain bike, or endlessly chasing little white golf balls on courses around the country.

For more information on booking Meridith Powell, please contact Executive Speakers Bureau at 901.754.9404.

Sales Leadership Redefined:
Innovate, Navigate, Drive Profitable Growth
Today’s sales leader needs to have it all – an ability to develop top talent, a pulse on the changing marketplace, and a strategy to stay one step ahead of a softening economy, massive uncertainty and an unpredictable supply chain.

Face it – EVERYTHING about today’s marketplace is changing. Wouldn’t it make sense your approach to growth and leadership need to change with it?

Join Meridith Elliott Powell for a powerful and innovative new keynote, based on her award-winning book – 30 Days To Sales Success, designed to help leaders innovate, navigate and drive profitable growth.

In this program she’ll reveal what today’s sales leaders need to do to:
- Consistently exceed revenue targets in spite of massive disruption and uncertainty
- Use bold techniques to exceed goals despite internal and external cost pressures
- Break silos and create seamless integration between IT, Sales Ops, and Account Managers – creating an exceptional customer experience
- Redesign your sales process to increase value and profitability of current customers
- Outperform competitors despite supply chain challenges, softening demand and constant market disruptions.

This keynote has it all – the secrets to build and execute a go to market strategy that helps you read the market right, flex and shift, and keep your strategy one step ahead of the competition.

The Confidence Plan
Step Out Boldly – Find Your Voice – Own Your Seat At The Table
Today’s world moves quickly. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant pressure to keep up, or unsure of how to take the risks you need to move forward. You wonder how others do it, why they seem self-assured, secure enough to share their ideas, ask for what they want, and pave their own path. How they developed their deep sense of inner knowing that regardless of external circumstances they have what it takes to always come out on top.

That inner knowledge is confidence! And the good news is confidence is a skill that can be learned. More importantly, it is one that needs to be consistently developed. When you have that level of belief in yourself, you can step boldly into any challenge, find your voice in every conversation, and always own your seat at the table. You can trust that your skills, your abilities will move forward so your control change rather than allowing change to control you.

Whether you see yourself as confident, or you feel you have some progress to make in that area of your life, The Confidence Plan takes you on the journey to heightened self-confidence. Through innovative research, tools, techniques and powerful stories The Confidence Plan helps you understand the impact confidence can have on your life, your career, those you care about, and the growth of your organization. It’s that powerful!

Join Business Growth Strategist and Award-Winning Author, Meridith Elliott Powell in this high-powered keynote where she reveals the research, the stories, and most importantly the methodology.

This keynote has it all – energy, engagement, and a personal plan of action for every attendee.

Key Take Aways
1. Sharp Fundamentals – the basics you need to develop, build and strengthen your belief in yourself and develop inner confidence. Learn why confidence matters, and the vigorous impact it can have on personal and organizational results.
2. Powerful Mindset Shift – embrace that confidence is a choice and a skill that can be learned.
You are in control of how much you have, and how deep and strong your confidence is.
3. PROVEN Methodology – the well-researched strategy, step-by-step approach to building and mastering confidence.
4. Gain The Secrets – to setting boundaries, investing in yourself, and creating realistic goals.
5. Your personal plan of action for stepping out boldly, finding your voice, and owning your seat at the table!


THRIVE: Turn Uncertainty To Your Competitive Advantage
These are unprecedented times! A marketplace where disruption is happening on steroids. One where there is more change building outside of your organization than in it. And a relentless pace of uncertainty that can radically impact your ability to grow your organization and keep your team motivated.

The only guarantee you have – is more change is coming. And if you’re not prepared - if you don’t have a plan – then research proves this level of uncertainty will negatively impact your ability to drive innovation, attract top talent and achieve bottom line results.

While uncertainty can seem daunting, the truth is uncertainty has an upside – it always has an upside. In fact, it can be your greatest asset to thrive, grow and turn disruption into opportunity. But you need a plan, you need a strategy, and you need the research that shows the path you exactly how to turn disruption to opportunity.

Join Business Growth Strategist and Award-Winning Author, Meridith Elliott Powell in this high powered keynote where she reveals the research, the stories and the methodology.

This keynote has it all – energy, engagement, and a personal plan of action for every attendee.

Key Takeaways:

- Quantitative Research – learn what more than 800 of your fellow CEOS think, feel and are doing in the face of uncertainty. This keynote starts with the powerful benchmark study that gives you insights into how today’s leaders are dealing with and solving today’s toughest challenges.
- Qualitative Research – we follow-up with the commanding stories of 9 companies that have stood the test of time by thriving in business for more than 250 years. You’ll hear their overwhelming obstacles, their ingenious strategies for success, and the proven methodology they used to thrive through every crisis.
- The PROVEN Methodology – then we share the code, the secret, the plan, exactly the path you need to follow to put you in the driver’s seat and in control in the face of uncertainty.
- You’ll Gain The Secrets to staying highly flexibly and highly focused to strike the delicate balance of progress and seizing opportunity.
- Your Personal Plan of action for thriving in uncertainty.

Ownership, Engagement, Results!
Employee engagement trumps customer engagement – every single time! Turning attrition to attraction begins with understanding this point. The relationship you build with your team members is more important, and will impact growth, more than the relationship you build with your customers.

In today’s marketplace, there is so little you can control, and the one thing you need to succeed – a strong team – is getting harder and harder to create. It’s time for a new approach, a new perspective and a new set of strategies to redefine how you lead.

In these highly shifting, constantly changing economic times the organization with the best talent is the team guaranteed to masterfully navigate change, exceed customer expectations, and leave the competition in the dust.

The fastest path to profitability and business growth is through the quality of and the engagement level of your team. In this powerful keynote, Business Growth Strategist, Meridith Elliott Powell, shares the leadership development strategies you need to hire top talent in the most challenging times, build culture in a virtual world, and create loyalty and ignite passion in a time where turnover is the norm.

Key Takeaways:

- Learn why engaging today’s employees is different, and gain the leadership development strategies to understand what employees want, and how to easily, and effectively, deliver time and time again.
- Proven strategies to get the best and the brightest to beat a path to your door even in the toughest environments.
- Innovative strategies to creating culture in a virtual world, and the secrets to getting employees to want to come back to the office.
- Powerful tactics to build a team that is as passionate and committed as you are about the growth of your business.
- Your personal plan of action to turn attrition into attraction.

Dominate, Differentiate, Deliver
Uncertainty changes everything –customers, competition, and decision-makers. It’s time to update your approach to sales – from how you get through the door – to how you get the deal to close.

It’s challenging out there - a challenge to get above the white noise. A challenge to get to the decision-makers. A challenge to stand out from the competition. And a challenge to stay motivated.


Because sales have gone through a major disruption. If you’re still using traditional techniques, then you’re making sales so much harder than it has to be. To succeed, you need to evolve.

You need to transform how you attract clients – build your reputation – engage with the marketplace – and get results. Join us for this high-energy, highly interactive, and high-powered keynote where business growth strategist and keynote speaker Meridith Elliott Powell shares the innovative techniques you need to dominate, differentiate and deliver!

Key Takeaways:

- Deep understanding of how your marketplace has changed – the shifts in the marketplace, alignment of sales and marketing, client buying behavior, and competitive landscape.
- Innovative techniques that get the doors to open and put you in front of decision-makers.
- Powerful ideas you need to shorten that sales cycle and increase your close ratio.
- Cutting-edge strategies to build your reputation and credibility with clients.
- Proven strategies to prominently position you in the marketplace making it easier for clients to choose you over the competition.
- Your personal strategy to Dominate, Differentiate, and Deliver.

Strategies To Succeed No Matter What This Economy Does
In this program, you will learn the business growth strategies you need to dominate your market. Build a team that thrives in change. Design a strategy that gets results. Get above the white noise. And leave the competition in the dust.

Defy marketplace gravity and you leave your competition in the dust! In this session, Motivational Speaker, Meridith Elliott Powell, shares the leadership development and sales strategies you need to navigate change and succeed no matter what this economy does.

Key Takeaways:

- The business growth strategies you need to dominate your market.
- Learn how to build a team that thrives in change.
- Discover the principles to designing a strategy that gets results.
- Find out how to get above the white noise.
- And, leave the competition in the dust!

Who Comes Next? Leadership Succession Made Easy
In today's marketplace, your competitive advantage comes down to the level of talent you attract, retain and develop - period! To compete, you need to build your leadership bench. Learn the secrets to attracting top talent. And develop a culture of succession, a deep pool of leaders that ensures the viability and sustainability of your organization. One that is committed to getting results.

It’s tough out there – a perfect storm. The great resignation combined with more than 75 million baby boomers reaching retirement age - the war for talent is on. You need to be prepared. Attracting, retaining, and developing talent today – is different. You need a new approach, a new perspective, and a new plan.

In this innovative, high-energy program, Business Growth Strategist and leadership expert, Meridith Elliott Powell, shares the proven strategies you need to build your leadership bench, and design a succession plan that ensures the long-term growth of your organization.

In this session, Meridith reveals what it takes to build a strong talent pipeline, develop your future leaders, and create a succession plan that gives you a clear competitive advantage.

Best of all, she'll break it down, she'll make it easy, and you will leave with a clear plan of action that you can easily execute.

Key Takeaways:

- Cutting-edge research on how attracting talent today has shifted.
- Secrets to what today’s employees are really looking for and how to deliver.
- Proven methodology for building your leadership bench.
- Powerful techniques to build long, loyal and highly engaged leaders.
- Secrets to aligning your succession plan to your strategic objectives.
- Innovative strategies to get you out of the "urgent" phase, and into a culture of continuous leadership development.
- A customized succession plan ready for immediate implementation.

Confidence, Hustle, Drive
Uncertainty changes everything! The marketplace - customers - competition - your team. To grow and compete - you need a new perspective and a new strategy for how you lead and how you position your organization for growth.

In this powerful program, you will learn the new tools for success in a highly shifting, constantly changing marketplace. Keynote speaker and business growth strategist, Meridith Elliott Powell, will share the business growth strategies you need to dominate your market. Build a team that thrives in change. Design a strategy that gets results.

You'll learn the secrets to defy marketplace gravity and grow no matter the challenge or obstacles this market puts in your way. In this session, Meridith will share the innovative leadership development and sales strategies you need to navigate change and succeed no matter what this economy does.

Key Takeaways:

- Well-researched and deep understanding of how the marketplace is shifting.
- The impact those shifts are having on customers, employees, competition.
- Proven business growth strategies you need to dominate your market.
- Innovative techniques to build a team that thrives in change.
- Secrets to designing a cutting-edge strategy that gets results.
- Your personal plan of action to get above the white noise and stand out from your competition.

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Customer Rating 5

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February 14, 2022

Meridith was fantastic from a pre-event planning process. She took the time to understand our business needs, goals/objectives for 2022 to craft a perfect delivery. Her delivery was engaging, insightful and left our team excited. Highly recommended speaker!



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