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J.P Pawliw-Fry, Emotional Intelligence Speaker
2 Review(s)

JP Pawliw-Fry

    • Top Booked Keynote Speaker on Leadership, High Performing Teams, and Innovating in the Age of Pressure
    • Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Thought Leader and Change Expert
    • Why the Conversations You Are Not Having ("The Last 8%") are Holding You Back
    • New York Times Bestselling Author, Performing Under Pressure: The Science of Doing Your Best When it Matters Most
Full Bio
In Person-Fee 🛈

$30,000 - $50,000

Virtual Fee:

$20,000 - $30,000

Travels From


Keynote Speaker Reel: Dr. JP Pawliw-fry

Keynote Speaker Reel: Dr. JP Pawliw-fry

What is the Last 8%?

What is the Last 8%?

JP Pawliw Fry | Virtual Sizzle Reel

JP Pawliw Fry | Virtual Sizzle Reel

Where's Your Team on the Last 8% Culture Map?

Where's Your Team on the Last 8% Culture Map?

Last 8% Culture System

Last 8% Culture System

Performing Under Pressure: Dr. J.P. Pawliw-Fry

Performing Under Pressure: Dr. J.P. Pawliw-Fry

Feeling Burned Out? This Video Is For You [VIRTUAL]

Feeling Burned Out? This Video Is For You [VIRTUAL]

JP Pawliw-Fry Speaker Biography

Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry is an emotional intelligence keynote speaker, leadership thought leader, peak performance expert, and co-author of the New York Times bestseller, Performing Under Pressure. As a speaker and consultant, JP challenges groups to think differently about human behavior, leadership and how to manage the pressure that is overtaking so many organizations and individuals today.

Some of JP’s engagements include Fortune 1000 companies and strategic clients such as Johnson & Johnson, McDonald’s, Oracle, Pitney Bowes, Salesforce, ServiceNow, PepsiCo, Whirlpool Corporation, Cushman & Wakefield, and Zoetis, Inc.

Organizations face big challenges: whether it is an accelerated rate of change, the threat of disruption, ambitious targets or aggressive competition. They can only overcome these challenges with exceptional and authentic leadership.

More About JP Pawliw-Fry

For over twenty years, JP’s curiosity and passion for helping people manage their emotions has driven his research-based approach (his organization surveys over 40,000 people a month) in developing science-based skills and tools required to build a culture of exceptional leadership. His work with leaders from Fortune 500 companies such as Goldman Sachs, Intel, Coca-Cola and Johnson & Johnson, as well as the US Marines, Olympic athletes and NBA and NFL teams has provided him with considerable opportunities to test his science-based tools in environments of high pressure. He knows what works when leaders face their most significant challenges.

As a provocative and highly captivating speaker and thought leader, JP brings engaging stories and a lot of fun to every keynote. He challenges groups to think differently about human behavior, leadership and how to manage the pressure that is overtaking so many organizations and individuals today. JP provides real tools to help teams leverage the power of vulnerability and empathy, teaching the science of emotional intelligence to embrace pressure and manage the disruption and challenge they are facing.

JP is the co-author of the New York Times bestseller, Performing Under Pressure: The Science of Doing Your Best When it Matters Most, published in 65 countries and named as one of Inc. Magazine’s Best Business Books of the Year. When he is not traveling the globe, JP can be found reading, out dancing, or cherishing time with family. It is no coincidence that he loves working with professional and Olympic athletes as he is himself an avid and enthusiastic athlete. JP loves to participate in a variety of sports including running, volleyball, hockey, and swimming and considers himself a ‘professional’ rugby fan.

JP Pawliw-Fry is a contributing columnist for The Economic Times (the second-highest circulation newspaper in the world). His high-content and enormously inspiring leadership presentations include a fascinating multimedia show and leave audiences with something different: strategies that they can implement the very next day to make a real difference.


You need to move fast, adapt to a changing environment, and deliver performance, yet your team is moving too slow when it comes to making tough decisions and are avoiding the more challenging conversations that drive results.

What is at the heart of high performance is culture. Unfortunately, most leaders misunderstand culture; they believe culture exists across the organization; it doesn’t. It exists primarily on teams. Second, they see culture as something that should be owned by the CEO and CHRO, believing it is their job to build the culture across the organization; it isn’t. Most CEO’s and CHRO’s get so overwhelmed when they think of tackling culture, that they avoid it and allow culture to be built haphazardly, which means that good people leave, and goals are not met.

In this powerful keynote, your team will learn the results from our study of 7,500 leaders that puts your managers and people leaders at the center of building and empowering your culture. Your people will learn specific tools to own the culture on their team in the critical moments, the Last 8%, that creates culture. The Last 8% are those tougher conversations and decisions that many people struggle with and avoid. When leaders feel agency and have skills to lean into the difficult, they build a high-performance culture that becomes a powerful force in your organization.

In this powerful program, your team will learn:

  • What the two pillars of a high performing culture are: High Connection (psychological safety) and High Courage (ability to do hard things skillfully)
  • How to build the culture on their team with our proprietary approach of Model & Own
  • Specific tools to connect, empower, and coach their people to be their best in Last 8% Situations
  • How to influence, engage, and empower others who are new or at a distance and create the conditions that will keep the best
    and brightest at your organization

“Best keynote presentation I have been to in years! Very different than the usual: extremely interesting and powerful – yet highly entertaining. It is not often I hear someone who can really ‘put it together’.” – Ernst & Young



Your people are facing the biggest challenge of their careers, yet most continue to rely on their IQ and technical skills to manage through it all. It’s not enough.

To survive, your organization needs to be agile in the midst of change and challenge, and see opportunities where others do not. Your team needs to learn how to work effectively with others who are, themselves, under pressure.

In this powerful program, your team members will learn:

  • Specific tools learned from working with high performers under pressure in the NFL, NBA, Olympic teams, Navy SEALs, Goldman Sachs, Intel, among others, to be more adaptable, resilient, collaborative and opportunistic
  • How to manage their brain so they can think, perform and lead effectively under pressure
  • The single most important daily habit that increases focus and decreases burnout
  • Strategies to empower their teams perform in the face of the pressure they face

This program is based on a 12,000-person study conducted for our New York Times best-selling book, Performing Under Pressure, which is available in 65 countries.

This session can be delivered for sales people and sales teams, focusing on helping them  harness emotional intelligence to deal with pressure, build stronger relationships with their clients, collaborate internally and deal with the setbacks and uncertainty that sales people must overcome to be successful.

“Best presentation I have ever attended. Different than the usual: interactive and engaging, yet highly substantive. Huge success.” – Morgan Stanley



Our research has found that most people are relatively effective at getting to 92% of what they want to say in a feedback conversation. But when they get to the Last 8% of what they really want to say–the hardest part of the feedback they want to give–the part of the conversation that has consequences for the other person, they sense the potential emotional impact this feedback might have, and they back off, avoiding giving the feedback that’s needed.

This creates significant challenges for the other person: not only do they not know how or where they stand, which increases their anxiety, but they are also not given a chance to improve. Worse, they feel less psychologically safe and emotionally connected, which diminishes their performance. 

The goal of this program is to give your people the insight and tools to manage their emotions to get to the Last 8% of what they want to say in any feedback conversation. The good news is that there is a burgeoning science of how to give and receive feedback that anyone can learn. It starts by becoming a ‘student of human behavior’, understanding the brain under pressure, and learning the concrete skills needed to give feedback in a way where the other person can hear it. 

In this powerful program, your people will learn: 

  • What The Last 8% is and why it provides the biggest opportunity to learn, grow and boost their performance. 
  • How the brain reacts under pressure and why that is at the heart of why people avoid giving Last 8% feedback. 
  • Self-awareness: what their habitual way of reacting to receiving feedback is and why that matters as a signal to the other person that they are open to receiving this important feedback.
  • How to start a Last 8% feedback conversation: most people do not know where to start, which causes anxiety. Along with trying to be perfect, this stops them from beginning this important and empowering conversation.
  • What the key components are to building an environment of high psychological safety, and why it matters to innovation.

JP, your presentation was excellent, but the message was even more powerful. Thank you, it is something I will take personally to implement in all aspects of my life.” – IBM



The cost of replacing an individual employee ranges from one-half to two times the employee’s annual salary. That means, a 100-person organization that provides an average salary of $50,000 will have turnover and replacement costs of approximately $800,000 to $2.6 million per year.

The worst part? 52% of people who leave say their manager or organization could have done something to prevent them from leaving their job. In fact, they said that in the three months before leaving, nobody asked them how they felt about their job, or about their future. What is evident is a lack of empathy in their leaders. It doesn’t have to be this way.

In this powerful virtual or live program, your managers and leaders will learn:

  • What the single greatest cause of a lack of empathy is (something they have control over)
  • How to grow their skills of Emotional Intelligence so they can tune into the challenges their people are facing before it causes them to leave or burnout
  • What empathy is and how to build it to empower your innovative and effective people who keep your teams connected, empowered, and performing at a high level
  • How to use brain-science-based strategies to manage their emotions so they can be resilient and a source of calm in your organization
  • How to manage through disruptive change 

“Outstanding! We need more of this in all of the Army Training Programs. The parts on Emotional Intelligence and leadership were excellent and of great value to me.” – U.S. Army



Your team is feeling burnt out. They feel overwhelmed with too much to do and too few resources. They are feeling anxious and concerned that their work and lives are becoming too busy and frantic. Sometimes their worry doesn’t have a specific focus, it simply has become an all-encompassing, global anxiety. Without concrete skills to manage these challenges, their brains form negative behavior patterns and bad habits that negatively affect their mental and emotional health, as well as their performance.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

The goal of this program is to give individuals insight and tools to manage anxiety and stress in all areas of their life. Anxiety can be defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease about something with an imminent or uncertain outcome. Your people feel some sort of anxiety and stress on a spectrum, and it can vary in intensity and level of disruption of their lives.

The good news is that there are science-based strategies on how to manage anxiety and build resilience that anyone can learn. 

In this interactive program, your people will learn:

  • What anxiety is and, importantly, how it differs from fear
  • How the brain reacts under pressure and how this can set them up to feel greater anxiety, stress, and burnout
  • How to build self-awareness: the habitual way they react to uncertainty and change, and strategies to respond more effectively
  • How to build the habit of resilience:  we provide concrete tools to help them manage their brain and mind as they face uncertainty over the long term.
  • How to bring joy back into their lives: to live more fully in the moment and improve their mental well-being. 


The Science (and Practice) of Gratitude
When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree. Vietnamese Proverb

To survive and thrive in today’s challenging world requires learning how to manage the mind and brain in stressful times. The burgeoning science of gratitude has pointed a way forward for doing just that; not only helping leaders self-regulate in hard moments but also helping them lead more effectively.
There is a specific way to practice gratitude that can unlock its power on the brain and influence decision making. For instance, by practicing gratitude, there is a decrease in the ‘avoidance’, defensive circuits that trigger anxiety and fear, influencing people to move away from challenging situations. At the same time, there is an increase in the ‘approach’ circuits, which leads to two powerful outcomes: more motivation for approaching difficult things, like Last 8% (the more challenging) conversations and decisions and more happiness and wellbeing.

In this powerful program, your leaders will learn:
• Best way to practice gratitude so that it can become a power tool in their leadership
• How to use brain-science-based strategies to manage their emotions so they can be
resilient and a source of calm in your organization
• How to bring high care and high accountability to their teams and organization
• How to be a servant leader and help others be their best during challenging times
• A daily practice of gratitude and goal setting to set the tone each day that we have
used with Olympic athletes and NBA, NFL teams for last 24 years.


Pre-program Assessment

JP’s research organization surveys over 40,000 people a month and can leverage their proprietary research capability to assess all participants in your keynote prior to the program. This 4-5 minute assessment provides the following benefits:

  • JP will use the data to customize the program for your unique needs.
  • By taking the assessment, it prepares the learner’s brain to think about their impact and behavior ahead of time.
  • JP will tailor/customize the keynote with key results from the survey to address what matters most to the participants
  • Post program, JP will share any information we didn’t see fit for a wider audience but believe will help you move forward with building culture and lead your teams more effectively

“I do not say this lightly – the most powerful keynote I have ever heard. JP was charged with setting the tone for the rest of the week.  He clearly over-delivered!”


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