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Bob Davies, Overcoming Adversity Speaker

Bob Davies

    • Peak Performance Motivational Keynote Speaker
    • Developed systems around strategic planning, time accountability, tracking, and creating systems that enable individuals to tap into the highest level of their potential
    • Master Certified Coach
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Bob Davies keynote demo video with bonus footage

Bob Davies keynote demo video with bonus footage

Bob Davies Speaker Biography

Since 1983, Bob Davies has used his considerable personal and professional experience as a leader to help people around the country become more confident and more productive . As a keynote speaker, author, trainer and coach, Mr. Davies has drawn upon the lessons he has accumulated, from his humble childhood roots to his successful career as a college football coach, in order to develop a system for improving lives based on clarity, focus and accountability.

Mr. Davies holds a Bachelor’s degree in Health from Rutgers University and a Master’s degree in Psychology from Springfield College. As a graduate assistant wrestling and football coach for Springfield, Mr. Davies worked with Jeff Blatnick, an athlete who would later win an Olympic gold medal in Greco-Roman wrestling. After completing his graduate studies, he was hired as the head football and wrestling coach at the California Institute of Technology. During his time at Cal Tech, he also worked as a researcher, studying the work of Nobel Prize-winning Neuropsychologist Roger Sperry, whose work on split brain research has been highly influential in the development of techniques for elite performance. Bob continued to develop his coaching methodologies by researching a number of elite scientists in the field of who human behavior, whose works helped to inspire his motivational techniques.

After leaving Cal Tech in 1979, he accepted a position as an Assistant Coach of the California State University Fullerton football team. The CSUF team’s schedule was full of opposing teams that were composed of more talented athletes. The only chance Mr. Davies and the other coaches had of overcoming this disparity of expertise was to harness every drop of potential from their own players. As a staff, the coaches developed a template that would enable average athletes to perform at peak levels. That template would propel the CSUF team to two unlikely championships and continued to be used by Mr. Davies’ colleagues, including NFL coach Steve Mariucci, and Rich Ellerson, the former head football coach at Army.

Using his coaching background and academic studies, Mr. Davies has studied and formed systems around strategic planning, time accountability, tracking, and creating systems that enable individuals to tap into the highest level of their potential. Mr. Davies’ success in football is not the lone source of the wisdom that he brings to his audiences. He has overcome a number of challenges that have taught him valuable lessons that can be applied to anyone’s personal or professional life. Growing up in poverty with a single parent presented a serious hurdle that required immense motivation to overcome. The process of breaking free from his “poverty mentality” in order to reach his goals in business, health, and personal life plays a central role in his keynotes. Mr. Davies has also conquered a fear of heights by becoming an avid skydiver and pilot. He has been diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and taught himself to achieve a heightened level of focus to subdue the disorder.

FamilyIn addition to his academic education and professional career, Mr. Davies has established an expertise in his field by developing a comprehensive set of relevant skills. He is a former practicing hypnotherapist, and he holds the highest credential available in the field of certified personal and professional coaching, Master Certified Coach. He has served on the board of the International Coaches Federation, the governing body for coaches, and previously served on the “ARC” committee, which certifies candidate credentials.

Bob is married to Jenifer and has three children, three dogs, is an instrument rated pilot and has the highest license in the sport of skydiving with over 2000 jumps.

To book Bob Davies call Executive Speakers Bureau at 901-754-9404.

Keynote I – The 1.2% Factor

In this keynote, Bob Davies explains his methodology in an exciting conversation that engages the audience with a simple yet profound set of actionable ways to reach their health, business and personal goals. By developing a mental capacity for enhanced performance, Bob’s audience will realize that his innovative techniques can be used to achieve their personal and financial goals.

Mr. Davies will reveal how certain aspects of human nature inhibit performance. The audience will then be able to implement these lessons both for themselves and for others as a system of specific declarations and accountability resulting in elite performance and the ability to achieve declared goals. By learning from Mr. Davies’ experience of overcoming fear, the audience will be able to identify and overcome the obstacles that presently stand in the way of success in sales and in life.

In order to illustrate the importance of overcoming fear, Mr. Davies makes use of metaphors and participatory exercises to help the audience understand his points.  These activities place participants outside of their comfort zones, and help to illustrate an important point: People will not consistently do what they don’t feel like doing. This will instantly help your audience understand the dynamic of reluctance that causes a profound insight – their own brains are holding them back from achieving results.  This lesson will serve as a lasting reminder of the negative impact of internal self-talk.

Our internal dialogue is our biggest competitor, and overcoming our fears depends on accepting four core principles:
Living With Integrity – I do what I say I will doThe Interdependence of Synergy – I’m far better off as part of a team than can be by myselfAccountability – I am the source of all that I experienceService – I am committed to and am of service to othersThe benefits of this program are practically limitless!  Whether your audience is looking to succeed personally or professionally, Bob Davies will teach them the tools they need to create the habits they need to have to reach their goals.  Stop making excuses and start making sales!  Contact Bob Davies now to book him for your event!

Keynote II – The Manager as a Coach

After graduating from Rutgers University, Mr. Davies used his passion for athletics and motivation to coach high school football for two years.  His expertise earned him a position as the head football and wrestling coach as the California Institute of Technology (Cal Tech), and later as an assistant coach of the California State University Fullerton (CSUF) football team. By utilizing the research of Nobel-Prize winning Neuropsychologist Roger Sperry, Mr. Davies crafted a coaching method that would later help lead his team to two conference championships.

Initially, Bob was confused as to why his presentations were so new for his audiences.  People from all experience levels responded to Bob’s programs as if they were new and unique information.  It was then that Bob came to a realization:  Of all the football coaches and scientists who were part of this research, Bob was the only speaker.  Although the colleagues who helped develop this process have gone on to achieve great success in their fields, Bob is the only one who has taken his scientifically-based information to the public.

His “Manager As a Coach” keynote describes coaching as a relationship that fosters discovery, self-learning, and accountability.  Although this is a stand alone program, it builds on the information and lessons learned in Keynote 1: “The 1.2% Factor”.  Bob teaches his audience to use their newly discovered skills to become effective leaders and coaches.  Bob engages with the audience and shows them how to ask effective, powerful questions that reveal previously untapped insights and capabilities.

Mr. Davies will also give the audience three specific coaching skills that will instantly and dramatically improve their ability to have an impact in coaching themselves and other people.  This unique and innovative approach is unlike anything even the most experienced coach, manager or salesperson has ever seen.  After a 30-minute intensive lecture and a 60-minute engaging interactive session, Bob’s audience will leave the event with the expert competency of a seasoned coach, allowing them to lead themselves, and others, toward achieving their goals.

Keynote III – It’s All Attitude

The user manual for the human brain is finally here, and no one is more qualified to present it to your audience than Bob Davies!

In this exciting program, Bob explores the sequence of events that leads to success, and how to influence their own perceptions in order to instantly change how they feel, and what they do.

Bob simplifies complex scientific concepts to show his audience how stress and frustration create barriers that hold people back from accomplishing their goals.  By eliminating these factors – and by adopting a system of altered perception – the audience will learn that they are the source of all that they experience.  As humans, we have a natural tendency to hold onto negative emotions, which Bob has defined as the 3 R’s:

  • Resistance
  • Resentment
  • Revenge

These obstacles keep people from tapping into their true potential, which limits their ability to succeed personally and professionally.  Once the audience understands these principles, Bob will teach them how to rewire their brains for success.  Through this exciting presentation, the audience will learn the following to help them reach their goals:

  • How and why to have a “here and now” orientation
  • Why they should change the story that they tell themselves about their experiences, and how they can change it
  • How to turn frustration into fascination

Very few motivational speakers are teaching these powerful lifetime skills, even though everyone should know them.  By eliminating these obstacles and becoming personally accountable for their own experiences and perceptions, the audience will have the principles needed to access their peak levels of performance, and the actionable steps to achieve the personal and professional results they’ve always dreamed of.  This keynote results in peace of mind as the audience learns how to define their own perceptions.

Keynote IV – Behavioral Economics – Understanding Why Your Clients Take On the Mind of the Market and What to do About It

We all learn to respond to authority and fear – it’s built into our society!  In fact, we go out of our way, and defy our morality, to show obedience to authority figures.  In this fascinating keynote presentation, Bob Davies shows his audience how fear and a group-think mentality affects the market, and how to increase results by learning to recognize and avoid conformity.

The audience will discover that human beings are genetically coded to avoid loss rather than seek gain, and how this mindset carries over into our buying decisions.  They will learn how a dollar lost in the stock market is more painful than the joy of a dollar gained and the steps they can take to eliminate this thought-process in themselves and others.  Using humorous examples and scientific studies, Bob breaks down the principles behind behavioral economics, and helps his audience understand why their clients take on the mind of the market, and the steps they can take to reduce fear and a group-think mentality, and start making money.

Bob will teach his audiences the best practices utilized by the country’s top industry professionals and elite performers to help them improve sales regardless of the economic climate!  No matter your industry, Bob will help you understand the keys to improving performance and results in your field.  Call his office now to book Bob Davies for your event!

Keynote V – Food Management Program

Weight loss organizations are not designed to help you lose weight; if they worked, they would be out of business!  The truth is, a solution does exist to lose weight, and the best part is that there is no diet, willpower or exercise required.  It seems too good to be true, but through his revolutionary Food Management Program Bob Davies will finally give your audience the tool they need to successfully lose weight and keep it off.

Obesity is one of the most urgent public health problems in the nation.  Over two-thirds of Americans are overweight, increasing the chances of developing chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, asthma, heart disease and cancer.  It’s time for a change.

Bob Davies provides what is missing from the weight loss industry:  a common-sense approach that will yield results without cravings, hunger or a need for exercise or willpower.  This isn’t just a meal plan:  For the first time in their lives, your audience will be taught how to eat.  Although you don’t even need to exercise in this program, Bob is an advocate of exercising for fitness, not for weight control.  Everyone claims to have a revolutionary diet or book, and trainers are still stuck in the current trend of eating six meals per day, counting calories, and an intensive exercise regimen.

This weight loss solution really works; countless people have already used Bob’s approach to lose hundreds of pounds, and Bob himself used it to lose 50 pounds in just a few months.  You already know the benefits – a healthier body, enhanced self-worth, and a loose waistband – so book Bob Davies for your event to get the full details on his one-of-a-kind weight loss solution!  This exciting presentation is also ideal for your client appreciation or client acquisition event, so contact Bob Davies today!

Keynote VI – A Culture of Safety – The Behavioral Approach

Companies undoubtedly intend to comply with OSHA regulations for both their employees’ well being and for the increased productivity that comes with a healthy workforce. Despite robust safety protocols and extensive employee training, occupational injuries remain a serious problem. One out of every five workplace fatalities is a construction worker. Falls from elevation account for one-third of all deaths in construction. One in four “struck by vehicle” deaths involve construction workers, more than any other occupation. The fatality rate for excavation work is 112% higher than the rate for general construction. There was an average of 362 fatal falls each year according to OSHA statistics from 1995 to 1999. The problem is self-evident, but companies need a new approach to creating a safer workplace. The key to creating a culture of safety is supervisor and manager action. Actions may include:

  • An industrial engineer might conduct job safety analyses, breaking the work tasks down into small steps to identify how the work is done and concentrating particularly on how work can be done safely.
  • Workers might be encouraged to suggest critical incidents, events that if they are executed correctly, will keep the worker safe or, if they are executed incorrectly, will likely cause injury.
  • Workers might be encouraged to report near misses, instances in which someone came close to being injured. These might then be analyzed to identify what behaviors would avoid the near miss.
  • An ergonomics expert might be asked to examine how work is currently being done to identify ways in which cumulative trauma disorders are likely to occur.
  • Groups of workers might suggest safe ways to do specific jobs.
  • Injury/accident reports might be analyzed for ways in which specific behaviors may have contributed to injuries. Then, safe behaviors would be developed to replace each of the previously identified unsafe behaviors.

This keynote develops a behavioral safety mindset that enhances your ability to identify unsafe behaviors, builds appropriate observation checklists, and educates workers on how to assess and offer feedback on safety behavior. Implementation of an effective culture of safety depends on proactive supervisors and managers, and Mr. Davies explains the keys to empowering them. A workplace’s adoption of culture of safety is built upon attitude.  The first section of the presentation examines:

  • How our thoughts impact what we pay attention to
  • The limits of our perceptionThe essential driving forces of motivation
  • The way in which avoiding pain and seeking comfort leads to complacency, which is largely responsible for accidents

After helping the audience understand the nature of the problem, Mr. Davies presents his effective solution based on the importance of accountability. This section includes:

  • The role of participatory measurement in increasing focus
  • How to create habits of safety
  • How to use accountability to implement safety best practices.

Keynote VII – Entertainment Through Hypnosis

keynote-hypnosisBob Davies uses his hypnosis demonstration to illustrate his concepts on human perception. The real stars of his show however are the audience volunteers who come up on stage to be hypnotized.

Your audience will be astounded and totally captivated by the wild & entertaining actions provided by their very own friends, family or business associates. “The Stars of the Show” may dance, become famous celebrities, get stuck to their chair, think they are from outer space and much more as they perform on stage and utilize the untapped potential of their ability to visualize and change their reality. Hilarious entertainment is sure to please your audience and there is a message of value as well.

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