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Alan Stein Jr., Speaker
2 Review(s)

Alan Stein Jr

    • Organizational Performance Coach, Consultant, and Author
    • Leadership, Sales Growth, & Personal Development Speaker
    • Spent 15 years working with the highest-performing basketball players on the planet
Full Bio
In Person-Fee 🛈

$20,000 - $30,000

Virtual Fee:

$15,000 - $20,000

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Alan Stein, Jr. - Keynote Speaking Reel

Alan Stein, Jr. - Keynote Speaking Reel

Alan Stein Jr. | Leadership Keynote Speaker

Alan Stein Jr. | Leadership Keynote Speaker

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Alan Stein Jr Full Keynote Speech | DAY OF EXCELLENCE Feat Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant & More!

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STAR WHERE YOU ARE // Why You Need to Maximize the Unseen Hours with Alabama Men's Basketball Team

Storytelling Reel

Storytelling Reel

A Candle Loses Nothing By Lighting Another Candle... | Alan Stein, Jr.

A Candle Loses Nothing By Lighting Another Candle... | Alan Stein, Jr.

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The Real Reason Your Meetings Suck – and How to Fix Them!

Alan Stein Jr Speaker Biography

Alan Stein, Jr. teaches proven strategies to improve organizational performance, create effective leadership, increase team cohesion and collaboration, and develop winning mindsets, rituals, and routines.

A successful business owner and veteran basketball performance coach, he spent 15 years working with the highest-performing athletes on the planet (including NBA superstars Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry, and Kobe Bryant).

In his corporate keynote programs and workshops, Alan reveals how to utilize the same approaches in business that elite athletes use to perform at a world-class level. He delivers practical lessons that can be implemented immediately.

His clients include American Express, Pepsi, Sabra, Starbucks, Charles Schwab, and Penn State Football, and many more.

The strategies from Alan’s book, Raise Your Game: High Performance Secrets from the Best of the Best, are implemented by corporate teams and sports teams around world.


The number one investment you can make is the investment in yourself. To achieve a greater level of success, you must be intentional in developing yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally. If you want more, you must become more.

The key to raising your individual performance and expanding your contributions and significance lies in your ability to master these five fundamentals:

  1. Self-Awareness
  2. Passion
  3. Discipline
  4. Coachability
  5. Confidence

This can only be achieved by closing Performance Gaps (the gap between what you know and what you do). In this powerful program, Alan teaches practical strategies to heighten self-awareness, create winning habits and routines, and improve productivity.

Regardless of title or tenure, attendees walk away with actionable steps to:

  • Align your habits with your core values and beliefs
  • Improve your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • Develop a true winner’s mindset
  • Learn to be present in the moment
  • Earn confidence while maintaining humility
  • Manage change and create a process for progress

This program is ideal for the player looking to improve individual performance and/or contributions to the team (company-wide events, all-hands meetings, teams, employees, and/or entrepreneurs).

Why the RAISE YOUR GAME program really works:

Just because something is basic, it doesn’t mean it’s easy. And just because it is common sense, it doesn’t mean it is common practice.

So many organizations today have team members that:

  • Ignore standard operating procedures because they think they know a better way
  • Forgo safety measures claiming they will “be really careful”
  • Skip steps in their proven sales process because “this customer is different”
  • Tackle projects alone instead of asking for help because they think they can just figure it out
  • Show up late or procrastinate, thinking they will be able to make up for it later

As a renown keynote speaker, author, and high-performance coach, who has worked closely with both elite corporate executives and NBA legends, Alan has proven that the solution to bridging a performance gap is getting back to the basics and working towards mastery of the fundamentals during the unseen hours. Alan teaches his audiences to eliminate the habits that undermine their productivity and replace them with disciplines that serve them best.



How have some organizations been able to sustain unparalleled success while others are sporadic and inconsistent? Simple… it’s their leadership. A team will never outperform its leadership.

A leader’s primary job is to create an environment where people feel safe, included, appreciated, valued, respected, inspired, empowered, and challenged. Employees need to know they have the resources and support to star in their specific role and make a meaningful contribution to the team.

Shift your focus as a leader from what you want from your team to what you want for them… and watch things improve quickly!

The key to raising your leadership performance and amplifying your impact and influence is a direct result of how well you master these five fundamentals:

  1. Vision
  2. Culture
  3. Servanthood
  4. Character
  5. Empowerment

Successful leaders create the type of high-performing culture that drives long-term results. They have a firm grasp of their identity, they uphold high standards of excellence, and they foster an atmosphere of collective accountability.

This program is vital for any leader who aspires to:

  • Become the leader you would want to follow
  • Attract, develop, support, and retain top talent
  • Build a championship culture (align beliefs & behavior)
  • Establish unparalleled trust, respect, inclusiveness, and buy-in
  • Coordinate everyone’s effort to produce astonishing results

This program is ideal for the coach looking to improve their leadership performance (C-level, executives, directors, managers, supervisors, emerging leaders).

Why the RAISE THEIR GAME program really works:

Leadership is never easy. Leaders today feel the challenges of change, expansion, or even industry-wide disruption before everyone else. But how leaders approach these challenges will either propel an organization forward… or hold it back.

So many organizations today have leaders that:

  • Lead from an ‘Ivory Tower’ and don’t display empathy and compassion
  • Neglect to show appreciation and acknowledge a job well done
  • Fail to ask for their team’s input and perspective and become out-of-touch
  • Micro-manage to the point that they undermine their team’s confidence
  • Make decisions based on emotions/feelings instead of core values/standards

One of Alan’s most impactful professional experiences was the 10+ years that he worked with Nike Basketball. During that time, he developed meaningful relationships with Nike executives and NBA coaches – leaders with a variety of different styles, personalities, and strengths – but leaders who exceeded expectations and achieved greatness with their teams because they adhered to basic principles that created cultures of trust, respect, transparency, authenticity, appreciation, and constant development.

Alan now shares these principles and strategies with business leaders around the world and teaches the lessons he’s applied in his own life and business for the past two decades. He teaches leaders how to create high-performing teams by become high-performing leaders.



The highest-performing organizations find and attract; train and develop; empower and support; and push and praise great people. They emphasize professional and personal development.

Elite teams promote shared ownership, individual responsibility, and collective accountability by clearly establishing each team member’s role, creating buy-in and believe-in with their role, and rewarding those that star in their role.

The key to raising organizational performance and building a winning culture is a result of how well your teams master these five fundamentals:

  1. Belief
  2. Unselfishness
  3. Role Clarity
  4. Communication
  5. Cohesion

An organization’s leadership team has one primary job: to find out what each team member does well and best utilize that skill set for the team’s benefit. They understand the power of “what drives you needs to be good for us, and what drives us needs to be good for you.” And they know that a motivated, happy, engaged team member directly affects other aspects of the business.

This program is a must-attend for any team that aspires to:

  • Empower each team member to be consistently exceptional
  • Emphasize the value of diversity, open-mindedness, and inclusion
  • Eliminate entitlement, selfishness, and complacency
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of communication
  • Deliver honest, real-time feedback to heighten competence

This program is ideal for the team looking to improve their organizational performance and culture. (company-wide events, all-hands meetings, teambuilding events, leaders, HR departments)

Why the RAISE OUR GAME program really works:

Building a winning team and championship caliber culture is hard. If it was easy, everyone would do it! As your organization grows, it becomes increasingly more challenging to ‘win the war on talent’, put people in the right positions, and maximize everyone’s contribution. It’s vital to keep an eye out for low-performing individuals with unfavorable attitudes as they send a ripple of bad effects through your organization’s environment.

So many organizations today have team members that:

  • Stop taking pride in their work (or worse, do a form of Quiet Quitting).
  • Aren’t actively looking for opportunities to help their teammates.
  • Lack engagement – show up late and don’t actively participate.
  • Hold themselves back from fear of making mistakes.
  • Care more about their own quota than meeting the team’s goals.

During Alan’s tenure as an internationally renowned basketball performance coach, he observed firsthand the recipe for turning great individuals into great teams and how to create a culture that people want to be a part of (and don’t want to leave).

When team members believe in the mission of their organization and believe in their role in fulfilling that mission, you don’t just get buy-in; you get believe-in. This also gets every team member to think selflessly and care about not only their own needs but of the needs of their teammates as well. This ensures relationships are strengthened, balls rarely get dropped, and everyone feels the support they need from the group to do their best work.



No matter what your sales system is or how rich your pipeline might be, if you’re not implementing the habits that elite performers use regularly, your ability to execute and close sales will always be limited. In other words… you (and your sales) will underperform.

Finding leads, qualifying leads, following up, and servicing clients depletes us of our two most precious resources – time and energy. Filled with stories, stats, and actionable steps, Alan will share how to maximize both time and energy, as well as teach strategies for what to control, what to let go, and how to trust the process. This program is critical for anyone who wants to improve his or her sales performance.

In this session, attendees will learn the most effective strategies to:

  • Shift your mindset from selling to solving
  • Become a world-class active listener (telling is not selling)
  • Consistently create quality touches (sales is a high-contact game)
  • Learn to care more about the prospect than making the sale
  • Develop unparalleled relationships

This program is ideal for sales teams and sales leaders looking to improve their sales performance. (annual sales meetings, sales training, sales leaders, sales representatives, sales support)

Why the RAISE YOUR SALES program really works:

The most successful businesses in any industry solve a problem people have in a helpful, user-friendly, and convenient way. They offer more in value then they ask for in payment. They create an engaging customer experience. They exist to serve… not to sell.

So many organizations today have sales professionals that:

  • Are too focused on doing what’s best for themselves and not for the customer
  • Try to convince a prospect to buy by bragging about their features and benefits
  • Use sleazy manipulation tactics or try to coerce their way to a sale
  • Think solely about short term success instead of playing the long game
  • Care more about their personal sales quota than the organization’s mission

During the 20+ years that Alan served as an elite basketball performance coach, he was selling. He was selling his training philosophy to his players and coaches, and he was selling his services as a small business owner. He learned very quickly that ‘telling is not selling’ That the key to connection, and having impact and influence, was to actively listen. He listened to his players, listened to his coaches, and listened to his clients.

He also learned that sales, like basketball, is a high-touch game. And a ‘touch’ is any interaction you have with a prospective customer. A research study by the National Sales Executive Association, found that in B2B, when a sale professional had 3-4 touches they closed at a 10% rate… and when they had 5-11 touches they closed at an 80% rate! Thus, while sales is measured by outcomes/results, it is dictated by the process.



What do the most successful people do to continually get better?

Sustaining high performance in business and life boils down to the ability to develop strategies for leveling up three key areas:

PERFORM is about managing stress in the day to day (short term)

PIVOT is about avoiding stagnation in your current situation (medium term)

PREVAIL is about beating burnout and making a lasting impact (long term)

Known for the actionable strategies and tools for achieving high performance in his signature program, Raise Your Game, Alan Stein, Jr. takes the next step with this program – teaching audiences how to remain there. Sustain Your Game offers a different approach:  improve productivity, impact, results, and fulfillment… while simultaneously decreasing burnout, attrition, and stress.

Sustain Your Game will empower every attendee to:

  • Heighten clarity on your true purpose
  • Embrace ways to maximize the unseen hours
  • View accountability from your inner circle as a gift
  • Effectively improve emotional intelligence
  • Create standards and systems to sustain fulfillment

Why the SUSTAIN YOUR GAME program really works:

To say the world has changed over the last few years would be a vast understatement. And the magnitude of these changes will be felt for decades. Research has shown that stress, stagnation, and burnout are at all-time highs, and they are affecting our lives in and out of the workplace.

These stats, which were gathered while writing Sustain Your Game, have only heightened since the global pandemic:

  • 34% of workers consider themselves overworked
  • 77% of workers feel burned out on the job
  • The ‘average’ US worker spends 25% of their day reading/responding to email
  • Fewer than 16% of companies have a program to help employees deal with stress
  • 40% of the US population believes work/life balance is unattainable
  • The ‘average’ US worker works 47 hours per week (49% work 50+, 20% work 60+)

So many organizations today have team members that:

  • Underperform because stress feels so overwhelming
  • Have hit a plateau or feel stuck
  • No longer feel a sense of purpose and are experiencing burnout
  • Aren’t dedicating time for self-care and are showing up as less than their best selves
  • Feel disconnected from the team because they work remotely

As a speaker, author, and business owner, Alan has genuine empathy and compassion for anyone feeling stressed, stagnate, and burned out. In full transparency, he’s wrestled with each of those afflictions on numerous occasions throughout his career. And while he admittedly is not sharing from a place of mastery, he is sharing from a place of progress and has developed effective methods to improve habits, mindset, and an approach to life and work.

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Customer Rating 5

Click testimonials tab below for detailed feedback.

October 17, 2022

Alan did such a great job at our conference. He did his homework and was on point with everything he presented. He connected with our team and we highly recommend him.

Clarity Benefit Solutions

February 4, 2020

Alan went above and beyond. He reached out before the event and really did his homework so he could connect with the audience more and add more value. I would recommend him to anyone looking to take their game to another level.

Miracle Ear


We work with a lot of speaking organizations... Let me tell you - ESB is the best! Matt Meyer is by far the best agent to work with!

Warrior Rising

Everyone on the ESB team (Matt, Sheryl, etc.) has been great to work with for our events. Looking forward to keep working with ESB!

Plexus Worldwide

We had a positive experience with ESB. Matt Meyer is a great communicator and easy to get a hold of. He helped us through the process to make..


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A wonderful bureau to work with! Big ups to everyone who helped make our event a success. Fingers crossed we get the chance to collaborate fo..

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